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Email: [email protected]
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Phone: +91 8360559154
Give us a ring between 9 AM – 5 PM, Monday to Friday. We’re here to assist you.

Location: India
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Got an exciting scoop you think we should cover? We appreciate your contributions. Please ensure that the information is credible and reliable. Send it our way, and our dedicated team will assess its validity.

Disclaimer: Apple Police is a rumor website. While we strive to publish information we believe is credible, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of any rumor. It’s crucial to note that we are not affiliated with Apple or Google in any way. Our commitment is to transparency, and we make every effort to be honest about our sources and the confidence level associated with each rumor.

We appreciate your engagement with Apple Police and look forward to hearing from you. Your participation helps us in our mission to provide accurate and up-to-date information about Apple and Google rumors to our readers.

Best regards,

Prince Saini
Owner, Apple Police